Eco Church 
Across Camvillages churches we have started to look at how our churches can be responsible stewards of God's creation. As part of this we have signed up to Eco Church which is an A Rocha UK project to support churches by providing an online survey and resources designed to equip our church to express our care for God’s world in our worship and teaching; in how we look after our buildings and land; in how we engage with our local community and in global campaigns, and in the personal lifestyles of our congregation.
You can find further details on the website and by looking at the introductory leaflet:
Eco Church Website
Eco Church Leaflet
Eco Church recognises churches that are caring for the world through giving awards at Bronze, Silver or Gold level. The award takes five key areas of church life into account:
• Worship and teaching
• Management of church buildings (including the vicarage)
• Management of church land
• Community and global engagement
• Changing the Lifestyles of our congregation and parishioners
Each church is at different stages and working towards different goals.
What can you do to help the churches?
We need volunteers to join our Eco-Church teams who will help by looking at what areas we can improve on and helping to facilitate us to move forward in this area. Please let Gillian ( or one of the wardens know if you can help.
What can you do at home?
The Eco Church website has some great starting points. None of us are perfect but if each one of us could make a small step - our church as a whole would be making a large difference. For the full page of resources click
Or use the individual quick links below:
A few local, national and worldwide organisations supporting our environment:
Click each of the pictures below to be taken to their websites for more information.
Reduce waste through waste-free shopping - see the website for where they will be selling.

CURAT: A group of volunteers concerned about the continuing decline of the condition of the River Cam.

We support Farm Africa during our Harvest appeals
A Rocha UK page:
Christians, Churches and COP26